Posted by AmyPerry

Hosted by Amy Perry


Feb. 1, 2025

Start time:

2:00 p.m. (eastern)

End time:

3:30 p.m. (eastern)


Benham Gallery Room

Handley Library

100 W. Piccadilly St.




United States



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About this Death Cafe

"Death smiles at us all, all a [person] can do is smile back." Marcus Aurelius

"Analysis of death is not for the sake of becoming fearful but to appreciate this precious lifetime." Dalai Lama

My mom died when I was 12, and Dad, when I was 19; 2 brothers have passed, a nephew, and several friends... the loved ones of friends have died, their kids... Death is.I'm curious. It truly seems life is  brought more into focus and made more precious becouse of death. "Smiling back" at death--asking questions, voicing our opinions, listening to each other--without agenda. No spin. No dogma. Just open minds and open hearts, conversation, cupcakes and tea... that's The Being Alive Death Café.

About Amy Perry

Amy Perry is a licensed Spiritual Practitioner in interdisciplinary spiritual and consciousness practices. Amy is a trained Somatic Experience Trauma Practitioner and an INELDA trained Death Duola. With over 20 years working one on one with clients, facilitating retreats, workshops and classes--Amy's comitted to showing up for the questions and letting life continue offering its surprising understandings!

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