Sugar with your cup o death

A good turnout on our new night, the third Wednesday of each month. Tonight we had our usual cake and fruit, but also were graced with homemade hummus and chips. The conversation ranged far and wide from problems a local Druid has with finding a natural burial ground, to the functional apparatus and methods of determining the point of death. We talked about the patterns that happen with death and how it can effect grief and belief. Small tokens changed hands to add to a certain someone's collection and again - we were paid a very high compliment of being a death cafe in which there was a surprising and refreshing frank discussion on the practical aspects of death. Light moments were found in trying to explain the crematorium amusement park ride, we pondered our death row member's dilemmna with a 3 year reprieve, and a good time was had by all. Next time, weather permitting, Mr. Harry may be joining us. Come early and enjoy the simple camraderie that seems to include food, knitting and other conversations - stay and enjoy our evening cafe where all are welcome!

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