Posted by kmarttinen

Hosted by Matti Kuronen Kirsti Marttinen


Nov. 8, 2014

Start time:

1:30 p.m. (+2 GMT)

End time:

3:00 p.m. (+2 GMT)


Ravintola Kultakaari

Urheilukatu 5







ask for donations, to cover drinks and refreshments, first event was free on Oct.4th, 2014

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

Death Cafe of St. Petersburg, Russia, has been an exsample to us. We run a Death Cafe, because we can. We think that death deserves to be discussed and accepted as a part of life. We want to lessen fear of death and normalize it - to bring death closer to life by calling it "hän" (he/she in Finnish) and this way improve the quality of life and meaning of every lived moment.

Lappeenrannan Palvelukeskussäätiö provides us the space and Lappeenrannan Mielenterveysseura is Matti's support organisation, Kirsti gets sponsoring from Kaakkois-Suomen Saattohoitoyhdistys, Muuttolintu ry.

About Matti Kuronen Kirsti Marttinen

Matti J. Kuronen, rovasti eläkeläinen. Monessa mukana, kaupunkilaisille tuttu.

(retired from parish duties, involved with several activities, well known by citizens of the town)

Kirsti Marttinen, sairaanhoitaja, ex-saattohoitokodin johtaja, vapaaehtoistyössä saattohoidon parissa

(nurse, previously owned a hospice home, volunteer work with hospice care)

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
