Grief Becomes Your New Reality ...

Suddenly ... Death was in my face ... What Now?

 The end of a life on earth as we know it. 
Unimaginable that this is happening. Everything… everything I know… everything I believe is in my face and suddenly I don't know anymore. I don't believe anything.  
I'm just sitting in the experience of death.
Whatever your belief system, however those beliefs resonate for you, suddenly this overwhelming experience is in your face.
Whatever you thought you were living… whatever direction you thought you were going… it all changes when suddenly death is in your face.
Grief becomes a word that rears its head with each breath as you contemplate what death means when it actually becomes your reality.
Reality as you know it changes as you experience emotions you may have resisted all your life. Now these emotions jump out of nowhere and take you on the journey called grief.
In my experience embracing my feelings, embracing all the emotions without judgement was the way I found my way through.
It was hard. It was raw. It was devastating.  It was unfair. It was unbelievable. It was a dream. It was a nightmare. It was a roller coaster.
So I embraced it all. I wrote through the pain and found the love in my heart to keep living.
Now I am living a wonderful life where I share my experiences, share my words to offer love comfort and support to others as they embrace their own experience of grief.
Take a moment to sit quietly. Close your eyes… focus on your breathing. Observe your feelings and continue to focus on your breathing. Do this for as long as you like and when you are ready ask yourself the question: "what is the most important thing I can do for ME right now?" You will have the answer before you finish the question.
Can you tell me if this helps you?
Jude xoxoxo